Hi! I’m Anne.

Anne, Anniebell, Annie…

I could keep going with a list of all the names I have had over the years. Most people call me Anne, but Annie is somewhat of a tribute to the people who have loved me and known me well enough to call me by a nickname and see all the parts of me - maybe the little Anne who would pick flowers in the field or the big Anne who might still stop on the side of the road to do the same.

If I look like a mix between a mom, a teacher, a coach and a florist, you guessed right! I’ve spent more time in a basketball gym or a classroom than most other places in my lifetime, but the place I spend most of my time these days is our home taking care of two little ones, going by the name “Mommy”.

I never intended to be a florist, but somewhat stumbled into it and was able to combine a lifetime of loving flowers with more technical design knowledge. I now hope to brighten people’s days and special events with the beauty of flowers.

- Anne Stephenson